What are Negative Keywords? (+ A Go-To List to Use)

What are Negative Keywords? (+ A Go-To List to Use)

What are Negative Keywords? (+ A Go-To List to Use)

The use of negative keywords is an essential concept in the always-changing world of digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO). These seemingly nonsensical keywords have value for making sure that your online marketing initiatives are both affordable and well-targeted. We will delve further into the topic of negative keywords in this article, examining what they are, why they are necessary, and giving you a thorough list to utilize in your future campaign.

Understanding Negative Keywords

What Are Negative  Keywords?

Negative keywords are particular words or phrases that you consciously remove from your website’s advertising campaigns. They are also known as negative match keywords. Your advertising won’t show up when potential buyers look for searches that contain these keywords. These keywords essentially help you refine your ad targeting by preventing your advertisements from appearing in meaningless search results.

How Do They Work?

Consider negative keywords as filters that let you sort through search queries and only show your advertising to the most relevant audience if you want to understand how they work. Non-relevant keywords can help you save money, increase click-through rates, and eventually increase conversion rates in your ads.

The Importance of Negative Keywords


Cost savings is one of the main reasons for utilizing negative keywords. Without them, your advertisements can show up in searches unrelated to your products or services. Your advertising spend could be wasted if this leads to a high click-through rate but a low conversion rate.

Improved Relevance

The relevance of your advertising is increased by using non-targeted keywords. The probability that buyers will click on and take advantage of your offer is greatly increased when your advertisements are shown to those who are really interested in what you are offering. This helps you save money and improves your return on investment.

Building Your Go-To List of Negative Keywords

Brainstorm Relevant Terms

Start by generating ideas for terms that are irrelevant to your business in order to come up with a list of negative keywords that will work. For instance, “cheap” or “discount” could be considered negative terms if you offer high-end luxury watches.

Analyze Search Query Data

It’s necessary to review the search query data on your advertising platform. It will show which search terms lead to the ads being displayed as well as whether any of them are unrelated. Include these useless keywords in your list of ad avoidance terms keywords.

Competitor Analysis

Investigating the keywords of your competitors also provides helpful data. Make a list of keywords that consistently generate low-quality traffic.

Implementing Your Negative Keywords

Google Ads

You can immediately add negative keywords to your ad groups or campaigns if you’re using Google Ads. Google offers tools to make it easier to find and manage ad avoidance terms keywords.

Other Advertising Platforms

Each platform will have a unique way of adding negative keywords for advertising channels other than Google Ads, such as Bing Ads or social media advertising. Make sure to review the terms and conditions.


Negative keywords are an effective tool in the field of online advertising, to sum up. They assist in cost-savings, enhance the relevance of your advertisements, and ultimately raise the efficiency of your campaign. You can create an easily accessible list of irrelevant keywords that will be very helpful in your digital marketing efforts by following the above-mentioned steps.


  • Are negative keywords the same for all advertising platforms?

Negative keywords cannot be used across all platforms. Other advertising platforms like Bing Ads or Facebook Ads may not be compatible with what is effective for Google Ads.

  • How often should I update my list of ad avoidance terms keywords?

Regularly reviewing and updating your list of unwanted keywords is a good idea, especially as your company grows and your marketing strategies change.

  • Can filtering keywords improve my ad quality score?

Yes, this type of keywords can raise your ad’s quality score and help it appear in more relevant searches, which can result in better ad placements and cheaper expenses.

  • Are negative keywords essential for small businesses?

These keywords are useful to businesses of all sizes, yes. They assist small businesses in making the best use of their advertising budgets and connecting with target customers.

  • Is there a limit to the number of negative keywords I can add to my campaigns?

The majority of advertising channels have a limit on the number of these keywords you can include; therefore, for the greatest results, choose those that are most relevant first.

A solid understanding of negative keywords is essential in the constantly changing digital marketing arena. Don’t miss our post on “2023 Social Commerce Trends You Must Know” to further explore the most recent developments influencing the sector.

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